High School Diploma Program

Your Diploma is Ready When You Are!

A South Carolina High School Diploma can be earned through the Anderson Adult Education Center 3, 4, & 5. 
Our program is designed for individuals who did not finish high school.  An adult must meet the same requirements found in regular high schools by completing 24 units. Students 22 years old and older, who have earned at least 20 units through an accredited high school, may transfer those units to adult education and work towards earning a South Carolina High School Diploma. Those students 17 to 21 would have completed 18 units to qualify for our program. (Some exceptions apply. Less than 18 units are reviewed on a case by case basis)
All diploma students will be required to sign a contract stating they must compete one unit per nine weeks or they will be dropped from the High School Diploma program and asked to switch to the GED program. 
Students with less than 4 units needed can participate in virtual only classes. Students with 5 or more units needed must attend our morning high school diploma classes offered on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8:45 am to 12:45 pm. In-person diploma classes and our virtual option classes are self- paced. 
Our staff are SC certified teachers. 
Required Diploma Units    Subject Units
Language Arts                  4
Mathematics                    4
Science                              3
US History                         1
Social Studies                    1
Government                     .5
Economics                        .5
Computer Science            
Electives                            9
Total Units Required       24

Anderson Adult Education

enrollment requirements
All students must be preregistered, tested and all fees must be paid in full prior to attending orientation. 
Fees required upon registration are:
$40 class fee
$50 unit fee (full unit) or $25 half unit fee
Anderson Adult Education Center enrolled high school students take one unit at a time. Each unit requires a minimum of 60 hours of seat time and completion of required work and passing exams. 
Orientation Pre-Assessment
All students seeking entrance into the High School Diploma Program are required to attend an orientation session prior to enrollment. This session will prepare you for class along with determining your reading, language and math skills.
Students 17-21 years of age must submit an application for 17 year old or the 18-21 year old application referral form signed by the principal and/or the guidance counselor of the last school they attended prior to registering. 17 year olds and their parent(s) or guardian(s) may also be required to meet with the Director of Anderson Adult Education Center prior to enrollment.
These forms can be picked up here at the center or downloaded by clicking on the following attachments. Note: the 17 year old form is a two-page form. Both the front and back are required pror to enrollment.  
All fees owed to last school attended must be paid before enrollment at Anderson Adult Education Center.  
Enrolled Anderson Adult Education high school diploma graduate students are eligible to participate in our graduation ceremony at the end of the year. 
Additional Regulations for High School Diploma Students Units earned in Adult Education
Units earned at Anderson Adult Education will not transfer back to a traditional school. Students may earn no more than 8 high school units in any 12-month period. Students may not graduate from the High School Diploma program before the class with which they entered the ninth grade graduates.
Replacement High School Diplomas and/or Transcripts
Missing or lost High School Diplomas must be ordered through the South Carolina Department of Education. Visit https://doesc.scriborder.com/application
All orders for duplicate diplomas require a fee.
Duplicate transcripts can be requested at Anderson Adult Education by calling 864-260-5075. A $5.00 fee is charged for duplicate transcripts.